Demo page
This guide provides instructions on how to create Cast Jobs to kickoff Cases via a scheduler.
To access Cast, select Cast from the main left navigation.
Create a new Cast job
To create a new job, select Create Job. “Create Job” page will be displayed. Required fields are displayed with red asterisk next to field labels.
- Select Job Type = Cases
- Select a Case Type. The page will refresh with all detailed fields relevant to the Case Type.
- Choose Base Field: If the case configuration contains more than one External Data Sources, the Choose Base Field will display. This field will be used as a basis to generate cases. It will contain a list of all External Data source fields available in the selected Case Type. A case will be created for every item selected from the Base Field and assigned to each user specified in the Assigned To option. Once a Base Field is selected, you can select which data records the job should create a case for.
- Schedule: Click on
to create schedule. The system will open a new dialog box to Schedule the Cast (one time or recurring). Select the appropriate option and complete the form.
- Send One Time Only: This is a one-time job.
- Creation Date: enter a date when the job should run or select Run Immediately.
- Specific Date: a specific due date.
- Created Plus X Days: provides number of days the case is due upon creation.Example: if the user selected 1/15/2023 as the start date for the job and the due date of “Created Plus 2 days” then the due date of the case would be 1/17/2023
- Recurrence Based on Due Date: allows to schedule a recurring job based on due date.
- Due Date Recurrence: selects how often the job should run: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. If Daily is selected, the user would also have an option to run every x number of days or every weekday.
- Range of Recurrence: select the Start Date and End Date options.
- Run Days Before: provides the # of days before the Due Date the case should be created.
- Recurrence Based on Schedule: allows to schedule a recurring job based on schedule.
- Pattern: selects how often the job should run: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. If Daily is selected, the user would also have an option to run every x number of days or every weekday.
- Range of Recurrence: enters Start Date and End Date of the job.
- No end date: there is no end date.
- End after X Occurrences: number of run occurrences before job ends.
- End by Date: enters a specific date when the job should end
- Due Date:There are two Due Date options:
- Use Specific Date: choose a specific Due Date.
- End after X Occurrences: provide a # of days from the Creation Date as the Due Date of the cases generated from the job.
Example: if the user selected 2/1/2023 as the start date for the job and the due date of Created Plus 2 days the due date would be 2/3/2023.
- Ad-Hoc (Run manually as desired): this option allows the job to be created and run on ad hoc basis and can be rerun as needed.
- Due Date: Allows you to provide the number of days to add to the Case Created Date as Due Date of the cases generated from the job.
- Job Name: Enter a unique Job Name.
- Title: Enter a Case Title. Click on FIELDS and select the Field(s) to be populated in the Case Title.
- [Base Field]: once a selected Base Field is chosen, this Base Field will be populated here to allow users to filter which items to create the case for. Below are the filter options:
- Use All Items (Create one case per item).
- Use Specific Items (Create one case per item selected). The system will provide available items/records in the Base Fields. Check the items that you would like to create the case for.
- Use Query to Filter Items (One Case per matched item)
Click on Add Condition and enter the filter option.
Once a filter is added, the system returns a list of items matched with the filter criteria. You can add additional filters by clicking on Add Condition. NOTE: multiple conditions will be treated as an AND option.
- Enter other case meta data fields.
- Notes: enter Notes to be populated in the case.
- Attached Files: Uploads file(s) to the case.
- Case Created By: select a user to be populated as the case creator.
- Assign To: Below are the different options on who the cases should be assigned to:
In Due Date, there are two options:
Configuration options:
For example, under Due Date Recurrence, the user selects run Daily and run Every 4 days with the start date of 2/1/2024 and create case 2 days before due date. With this configuration, the first job will run on 2/3/2024 and cases created under this job will have the due date of 2/5/2024I j.
Configuration options:
Note: Changing the Schedule in an existing job will create similar, new jobs and deactivate the current job.
- Choose a Single Person: If you want to assign the cases to a single person then select this option. Click on the box to search for and select a person. Once selected click Done.
- Select Multiple People: This option will create a case and assign it to all users selected in the list. Click on Add New and the user can see a new dialog box called Search Items. T Choose Person, type the name and click on Search. Once the user selects one or more people, click on Done.
- Choose People based on Role Assignments: To choose people based on Role Assignments click on this option. Click on Add New. The user can see a new dialog box called Choose Items and it contains the following fields.
- Entity Type: select the Entity Type from the drop-down menu that has the association configured. For example, Select Company.
- Role: User can select Role from the drop-down menu, for example select Customer Satisfaction Manager.
- Items: The user has two options.
- Items: The user can select choose all items and click on Done
- Specific Items: The user can select Specific Items and can click on Select ALL or other required options.
- Choose People based on Entity Association: The user can select an Entity Type that has employees associated with the entity type. If this option is chosen, all employees who associated to the selected Entity via Entity Type association will receive a case.
- All Items: The user can select choose all items and click on Done
- Specific Items: The user can select Specific Items and can click on Select
- Choose People based on Entity Association: To choose people based on Department Hierarchy click on this option. Click on Add New. The user can see a new dialog box called Department Hierarchy and it contains the following fields.
- Top Level: Select the Top level from the drop-down menu. Top level is the required field.
- Basic Name: Select the Basic Name (optional)
- Sub Department: Select the Sub-Department (optional)
- Job Function: Select the Job Function (optional)
- Job Title: Select a Job Title (optional)
- All Employees:
- The user can use All Employees option to assign the job to all the employees in a company.
- The user also can filter on which employees should receive the case based on Condition (Note that these filter data fields come from the employee configuration in Departments Application). Multiple filter conditions can be added, and the system will treat the condition as an AND condition.
- Hopper
- to Default Hopper:The user can use this option to assign the case to the case type default Hopper which is set in Cases Application.
- Assign to Specific Hopper:The user can use this option to assign the case to the specific Hopper from the list of hoppers by selecting the radio buttons.
NOTE: the employees/users associated with in the last selected level of hierarchy will receive a case.
View Job
View Job provides a list of available jobs. There are 4 filter options: System, Type, Run Status, and Created By. When first loading, the Job List will be provided with all active Jobs and allow filtering as needed.
Options to filter/search for a job is also available in the Job List grid:
- Main filter options: System, Type (Case Type), Run Status, and Created By. The default is Any.
- Job List: will be displayed with any available active jobs.
- Disable: If the job is active, this option allows user to deactivate the job. If the job is inactive, the option will be changed to Enable to allow the user to activate the job.
- Edit: click on Edit to go to the Edit Job page.
- Preview: shows a preview of the cases generated when the job runs.
- Force Start: allow the Force Start the job. Once selected, the system will confirm to proceed with option to skip the next scheduled run or not.
- Search: allows user to enter additional search options within the grid to find a specific job.
- Export: allows export the list to Excel or PDF.
- Create a new Job.
- Within the Job List, scroll to the right will have option to view History of the job and remove the job. Note: only inactive jobs can be removed.