IT Life Cycle Budgeting
Management of IT equipment life cycle and budgeting related to it.
To maintain top-tier equipment, stay within warranty boundaries, and ensure IT equipment is working it is important to analyze equipment lifespan. Yearly budget projections become much easier when a consolidated and insightful report on equipment that will need to be replaced is delivered to the decision-maker. Central manages the life cycle budgeting process by annually creating and assigning cases for equipment to be inspected and a budget created accordingly. By maintaining an updated budget, better financial decisions can be made in order to save he company money.


  • CAST creates a case annually for analysts to inspect equipment and create IT life cycle budgets
  • Case is assigned to analyst to inspect equipment
  • Instructions on how to inspect equipment are documented in Standards
  • Quest form is used to inspect equipment and score is reported on to estimate remaining life of equipment
  • If a repair is necessary a case is generated from Quest form
  • Case is assigned to business analyst to create life cycle budget
  • Instructions are provided for process to create budget
  • Analyst analyzes various reports in order to create the annual budget for the IT Equipment